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Tag: connect

  • Reality Check: Are You Trapping Yourself?

    By: Rhonda Overby, CEO “Don’t let them trap you, Overby. Whatever you do, don’t let them trap you.” A veteran network newscaster bestowed that cryptic advice.  Upon further inquiry, it became evident that the poignant warning stemmed from personal experience. He disclosed an impressive salary that enabled him to lead a very comfortable lifestyle. Yet,…

  • The Power of Words: Bridging Divides in a Fractured World

    Words wield the exceptional power to unify our fractured world by promoting empathy, dialogue, connection, education, and diversity. Effective communication facilitates mutual understanding, resolves conflicts, and inspires collective action towards common goals. In a divided world, harnessing the potential of language is vital for building inclusive communities and bridging cultural and ideological gaps.

  • “Planet vs. Plastics,” Real vs. Fake

    The 2024 Earth Day theme, “Planet vs. Plastics,” emphasizes the need for authentic communication in today’s often superficial environment. It underscores that real connection comes from true understanding rather than mere agreement. Open-mindedness and education foster growth. Communication affords connection, but it must be authentic. Risk disagreeing to grow. Communicate. Connect. Evolve.